Investment Process

Brandon BioCatalyst invests in opportunities that are associated with our Member Institutes.

Brandon BioCatalyst is interested in opportunities covering the full spectrum of biomedical development, from proof-of-concept opportunities through to late-stage technologies. We can provide investment of as little as AU$500,000, or up to AU$30 million in funding, depending on the stage of development and funding requirements.

The investment review process follows four distinct stages:


Every Member has a representative on the Investment Review Committee (IRC). The Institute representative will present a brief overview of the investment opportunity to the IRC (Preliminary Investment Proposal-PIP).

Process No 1


If this initial proposal is recommended to progress, a presentation by the key researchers accompanied by a full investment proposal (Investment Application Form – IAF) will be requested for the next IRC meeting.

Process No 2


If the IRC is supportive of the technology progressing, the opportunity is then passed to Brandon Capital to complete due diligence and agree the development and commercialisation plan and funding needs.

Process No 3


If Brandon Capital is supportive of the opportunity, it then recommends to the Board that the investment is made. The Board facilitates the calling of capital. Guidance and assistance is provided by Brandon Capital for the preparation of both the initial and full investment proposals. Please see the ‘Contact Us’ page for contact information.

Process No 4

When reviewing a technology, Brandon BioCatalyst will take the following criteria into consideration:

  • Whether the technology represents world class science or technology;
  • What is required to demonstrate proof-of-concept or reach the next key milestones for the technology;
  • Market size and unmet need within the market;
  • The competition and competitive edge of the technology;
  • The strength of the intellectual property position;
  • The key personnel and management; and
  • Commercialisation path, likely exit and potential value at exit.